10 August 2006

Pas de Skydiving

So I've decided that if God is going to bless me and my finances (which I will be in dire need of when I get home), I need to be responsible with the ones I've got now. I can't afford to go at this moment and so I'm not going to. I'll have to do it when I get back to Canada and am a little more financially independent.

But things have been working out as far as finances go to ship my stuff home. It's going to be mucho expensive to send just one box home - and then after that I have to somehow bring 40 packages of Tim Tams and Butternut Snaps so that I don't run out in the coming years. Those will likely go in my luggage so I can entertain the customs people again.

But I'm hoping that I can still save up enough money to make first month's rent at the apartment in Hamilton that Mike, Rachel and I are looking at. It's a student housing situation and I'd be living with Ashley and Mandy Schaeffer and their room mate - well they'll be living in the upstairs apartment, at least. It'll be fun, I think. We won't have much furniture to start off with but I'm excited for it! hehe

Anyways - God has been really good lately. Though some of my friends are having tough times, God is showing me ways that I can help them out without having to stress about their situations. All in all, I'm a much happier girl right now. Perhaps I am starting to realize that a month isn't a very long time (4 weeks tomorrow) and that I need to enjoy myself while I still can. :)

Time for a shower and to get the day started. w00t!


At 10/8/06 12:42 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

skydiving, eh? well well well.......apparently COURAGE does not run in the family - you can't even get me on a frickin' ROLLERCOASTER, DON'T EVEN THINK about skydiving........
THAT REMINDS ME THOUGH - someone I know recently posted a short video of their first skydive (apparently her boyfriend is a professional!??! anyway....) IF I REMEMBER I will forward it to you, or just post the link for you here, OR SOMETHING - because even though you couldn't pay me enough to skydive, it's still a pretty cool video....

At 10/8/06 4:43 pm, Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

jenner likes to shout alot...sounds like things are going well for you. that's awesome! now you just have to learn to bowl again....

At 11/8/06 2:18 am, Blogger Just Jaq said...

Pants since 1986 said...
jenner likes to shout alot...

Haha Darrell you just may be right. But that's what makes my family so fun - we're a loud and crazy bunch...

I should make a disclaimer to give to anyone who may have the unique opportunity to meet any of my family members...lol


:) I like that - has a nice ring to it...lol

At 11/8/06 2:25 am, Blogger Unknown said...

Pants since 1986 said...
jenner likes to shout alot...



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