16 July 2006

Testing. Testing.

Apparently people have been having difficulties reading my blog lately...the page says "Done" but only has a white page. Not cool. And now it's happening to me, too.

If you can read this, please comment and I will get it in my email inbox. Hopefully sometime I will actually be able to read my own blog again. Ha.

That is all. I have a few big changes to update with but it won't be for a couple more days.



At 16/7/06 8:10 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Jaqs!!!

I can see it! I can see it all...
P.S. I read the comment you made in the previous entry...Young Skywalker?? What the junk?! Come on hahaha...please do not turn treky on me...
Talk to you soon...praying always!

At 16/7/06 10:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes i cab get it no problem christmas in july !!!!!!!!

At 17/7/06 7:20 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I told you I wasn't crazy.
Sorry I missed your call last night. Becky was home! And she is so pregnant!
And now I'm off to do some boring things all by myself because that's what I do.

At 17/7/06 9:52 am, Blogger Just Jaq said...


A) Wrong spelling.
B) Skywalker is Star WARS, not Star TREK.

Haha have I told you lately how adorable you are?

At 17/7/06 9:55 am, Blogger Just Jaq said...

Oh and Kate...

YOU'RE the one who complained you couldn't see it and now you're saying you can?

Why didn't you tell me earlier? It seems that right after I posted that stupid entry is when it started working for me again too. Weird hey?

At 18/7/06 5:37 am, Blogger Charlie and Lindsey said...

Hey Jacquie, I couldn't see it but now I can again. Hope it starts to work for you!

At 18/7/06 7:54 am, Blogger Liz said...

Hey Jacksters!
I was trying to stay updated on the fast times of Jacksters Fleet but tis true. There was just a blank page.
I thought my computer was messed or something of the sorts.
I can see the light!
I can see the light!
And there's more to this light than white!

At 18/7/06 10:09 pm, Blogger Just Jaq said...

Yay I'm glad it's working again.

So okay Kate, you were maybe right. Just maybe.

Maybe it shuts down when I haven't blogged in forever, which is a more common occurance lately.

I'm glad it's working now! :D

At 18/7/06 10:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo guy!!

Thats right I for sure just said treky...for the record i do not care how it is spelled and i totally thought all that star wars star trek junk was the same...??

And yes you have told me lots that I am adorable and as always i LOVE hearing it so please keep it coming...

The End...or is it??? Ha

At 19/7/06 3:19 pm, Blogger Just Jaq said...

Okay so maybe my comment makes me sound like I actually care about the difference between sci-fi shows and films.

Please believe me when I say that I DON'T care! Ask my brother - I've never been able to sit through any of the Star Wars movies without falling asleep - except maybe Episode One. Just coz of Jar Jar!

That is all. I am NOT a sci fi geek.

At 8/8/06 10:25 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can read this! YAY!!!


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