Thrill Seeker Jacquie
So I got a phonecall this morning from Jocelyn - a lady who is from the Prezzy church. She super nice and has been extremely generous with her time and resources to make the Youth Center a reality. Anyways, she rang me up asking if I want to go to Queenstown with her this coming weekend after church. She would be going to visit with some family and friends and then is going skiing on Monday morning. She said that I was welcome to come along with her, and that she would pay for me to go skiing or snowboarding if I wanted to come.
Now I'm just a little hesitant when it comes to this. I am, by no means, a skiier. I've gone three times in my life - the first time, I was with my aunt and uncle. The second time, I went with school. I got my "dot" to get off the "bunny hill" and did okay. The third time was also with school, but for some reason I wasn't good enough, anymore, to get off the little hill. How sad.
I got a snowboard for Christmas one year and it wasn't a "real" snowboard. It had loops to stick my feet in and it was pointy at the front and flat at the back. My dad drilled a little hole in the nose of it to put a rope in, both for dragging it back up the hill and for "steering". I rarely got to the bottom of a tiny hill on it before chickening out and falling over. I don't know what it is that I'm not cool with. But I'm just really insecure when it comes to standing and controlling something with my feet and nothing more. I'm a bike person - I need handle bars and brakes! Perhaps that's why I was so keen on getting a SnowScoot last year - a hardcore snowboard with a bmx-type frame attached to it. Handle bars.
Anyways, last week, I was also talking to Rae about the things I want to do while in New Zealand before I leave. I mentioned sky diving (mom this is where you'll want to stop reading, probably, and check back on Monday). Well apparently Queenstown is *the* place to be for skydiving and since I'm not really a snowboarder or anything, I was thinking of taking the opportunity to skydive so I don't have to drive back out to Queenstown myself for a jump later on. Now this means I have to fork out some dough (which I've been saving - but saving for something BIG like this) instead of skiing for free but now I'm sort of stuck.
Do I want to say that I had a chance to ski or snowboard in New Zealand, and since I was too lazy to try, I went skydiving instead? Or would it be possible for me to do both? I'm not certain at this point, really.
I'm not too keen, mostly, on the fact that when I'm skiing, my legs are strapped firmly in place to something that could twist the complete opposite way of my body. I don't know how many of you are familiar with my past, but I had a bad break a couple of years ago and I'm not quite sure the psychological side of it has healed as well as the physical side. So I'm a little torn right now between what I should do.
I'll likely end up skydiving, and fitting in skiing if it's still possible. Let's just be honest here. haha!
So - probably the next time I submit a significant entry, I will likely have thrown myself out of a plane at somewhere between 12 and 15000 feet. With someone strapped to my back of course!
Wish me luck, yo!
Miss Fleet
Ok. Think. Skydiving? Skiing. Skydiving?!??!!! Skiing... SKYDIVING!!! skii...
It is safe to say that I am a skydiving advocate. That is where my vote lies...if indeed we were voting on this...
Definitely you should skydive.
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