24 March 2006

Youth Youth Youth

Tonight's youth group was the regular set of junior high boys that always come. I really do love those kids.

We played a few really great games, but for the time period that we have, it's so hard to keep up with filling time and it all ends up being games.

My only other official leader didn't show up tonight...not cool.

The boys really enjoy the nights. I'm just afraid that I'm going to run out of game ideas. However, they are completely okay with repeating the same games we've done before. They always ask if we can play "the chocolate scramble" game again...among others. So I know I probably could never bore these guys even though I've already run through close to my entire game roster when I thought it would last me about 6 months.

I am not a games person. I never have been. I've been told before that because of this, I will not make a very good youth pastor. I don't know if that person meant it as harsh as it sounded...but that one statement has haunted me for quite a while now...but the kids have wanted to give suggestions and run games and all that stuff so I'm glad they're enjoying it.

The Edge (the official junior high program) is starting on 7th April, and Fusion is changing to only 14-18 year olds and being bumped to Saturdays starting 8th April. I just need to figure out a direction to take the older kids...they're so much harder to plan for, I find.

But I'll figure it out, I'm sure.

Tonight we talked about being the class clown and respecting eachother by not being so disruptive even if we think we're being funny. It really applies to one boy in particular, but it didn't sink in whatsoever. Ha. Why did I think he'd listen? hehe...

Things are calming down here a little bit. There are going to be some big changes happening within this week, which I think will be really good for me and for the ministry in general. Because really, if I'm spiritually and emotionally drained, then the ministry is directly affected, sadly...

But this will be a good week, I think. Big changes. Some unwelcome, but that's how it has to be.

Now I am going to read my comics for the night and try to get some sleep - open house tomorrow afternoon and I have a big job to do on my room before then.

Bye and stuff.


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