Today at a women's day at the church, I was helping to set up the sound and media stuff. And I stayed for the first part of it to support Corrie (one of the girls who was showing her thesis film she made) and Lynley (Karl's wife) who was doing an interpretive dance to one of the songs.
While Lynley was dancing, all of a sudden it felt like someone slammed a REALLY big door and the whole building jolted to one side quickly and settled back into place immediately. I wondered if I had only imagined it, it happened so quickly.
I turned around to look at Karl and he mouthed the word "earthquake" and I was absolutely stoked! I had just experienced my first earthquake and lived to tell about it! It was amazing!
I just found out it was a 4.2 class quake, which is barely one that you can normally feel. Apparently if it's anywhere under a 4, you don't even know it's happened. But this one was quick, and not violent at all. Just one big jerk of the building. Lynley describes that it feels like a big donkey just kicked the side of the house.
So it was cool. I'm excited that I can now say I've felt an earthquake!
you know missy we have had earthquakes here and you did not even feel them rite! just be happy you are not in california and be careful in the bush by the way i am a major fan of lord of the rings and so is your aunt kathy
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