13 July 2006

Party Time!

So tomorrow is the ever-anticipated Midwinter Christmas Party. We went into the bush and cut down a Christmas tree. We're picking up decorations and a turkey and putting together the funnest Christmas bash EVER!

We'll be decorating trees, having Carolling Duels, and making our own faces into snowmen (since we have no snow...we'll have to work with what we've got - whipped cream and lollies!). We'll be opening presents and stuffing our faces with turkey and all the trimmin's!

I'm pretty excited for this, even though tomorrow will be a LOT of scrambling around to get everything done. I still have to find a way to make the tree stand up properly, get things to make decorations with, pick up the turkey and cook everything. And decorate. And find a laptop to play the all-wonderful "Christmas Vacation" on the big screen (that is now properly secured to the wall!). And take away the Playstation 2, as there will be no attention given to the program if there's a tv and game station taunting and drawing the boys to it.

And on top of all the last minute preparation, I also have to go to worship practice in the morning. Not particularly exciting, but I'll get over it. I am not looking forward to having to wake up early, that's for certain.

And by early, I mean like 9 am. I'm sure there's someone in the world who also considers this deathly early; or at least not a good time to drag ourselves out of bed. I can't be the only person in the world, because I know for a fact that there are millions of teenagers out there who would gladly wake up sometime between lunch and dinner if they had the option. That's way longer than even I really sleep in - even after a really late night.

Anyways...these are the last few days of the school holidays, and then it's back into regular routine. I'll be glad not to have to keep the centre open as long as it has been lately. But I'll also miss the sleeping in, knowing that I can't go into work until the centre opens otherwise I'll go over-time.

It's 11:00. I'm not even *close* to sleepy. This could prove unpleasant, come 9 am.


At 14/7/06 12:36 am, Blogger Unknown said...

JAC - I'm going to add your blog to my links section WITH YOUR PERMISSION - SO I'll wait to hear from you, AND IF YOU AGREE, I'll put the link in, K?
BTW - I agree with U re: waking up early - if I have to get up before double digits I'M PISSED - esp if it's a weekend - in which case if I'm up before noon I'M PISSED..... LOL :P

At 14/7/06 5:19 am, Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

getting up before ten is a travesty of justice. Well, that might be a bit harsh. But frankly, getting up too early isn't any fun, and too early is before ten. Man if I ever get a reagular job I'll probably end up dying of sleep deprivation...

At 16/7/06 4:28 pm, Blogger Just Jaq said...

Hey Jen, yeah go for it - feel free to add the link to your blog.

In other words, you have my permission, young Skywalker...

Okay yeah so I have no idea where that came from.

At 24/7/06 10:17 am, Blogger Unknown said...

hey Jac! cool, I'm gonna add it right now..........


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