03 February 2006

New Zealanders: A Blasphemous Breed

Okay so hi. I'm back again! :)

Miss me? hehe

So today has been a pretty good day. I got up at 5 am (?!?!?!?!?) for a "Faith in the Workplace" breakfast over at the church. It was pretty good, though once again (as it always seems in the Prezzy church) I was the youngest. And the next youngest was...Karl. Yes. The pastor. Who has two sons in their pre-teens. How fun!

But that's not the strangest part...let me just tell you that we had french toast, bacon (smoked bacon, it was really nice), sausages and eggs. BUT since I'm more of a "bread" person than an "egg" person, and a "bacon" person rather than a "sausage" person...I only took french toast and bacon the first time around. Then I went looking for the syrup...

(probably only my family knows this, but I put syrup on practically EVERYthing when it comes to breakfast foods. i can't survive without it! ESPECIALLY on pancakes or french toast- it's just wrong without it! ok and so is bacon...has to have syrup)

So anyways...I looked around and I didn't see any. I figured that my mother would at that point say "Open your eyes!" and she'd reach right in front of me and pass it to me. So I made a joke and said "I must be either blind or Canadian coz I can't see the syrup anywhere!"

Rae, the lady beside me, said "Nope. You're definitely Canadian."


Let me say that again...



I don't even care of it's not MAPLE, I actually prefer table syrup to maple syrup! But they didn't have any!!!!

Folks, I ate my french toast DRY. Do you KNOW what that's like? If you're my family, you also probably know that I don't even really like french toast that much in the first place but I'd rather eat that than egg whites.

As my buddy Rachel says...IT'S BLASPHEMY!!! I mean, I do realize that I'm slightly a freak by drowning my bacon in syrup, but Rae even went so far as to tell me that most of the people in the room actually would've put... get this...

SALT AND PEPPER (?!?!) on their FRENCH TOAST! What in the WORLD?!

So now I've decided to move. I'm leaving this blasphemous country!

Ha. Yeah right! This was just one breakfast and since I know they'll have more, I'll be sure to bring my OWN syrup next time! That's right, I'll teach them a lesson. Then they'll try it and SEE THE LIGHT!

But I'm happy that when I told John and Fiona about it, they were just as shocked as I was not to have syrup on french toast. They happily own a bottle of syrup themselves, so I think I can handle living here...as long as I stay with them and their syruppy goodness.

...or I could just buy my own...ha!

So onto the next thing - Karl and I got together today for a meeting about various pre-school-year things. We discussed my pay (yay it's not going to be as long a wait as I thought!) and the possibility of getting an office for me to use so I'm not in my room doing my work. This way I can more easily buckle down and do work rather because I'll be in a different setting than when I'm just chatting online...in my room...which is what often tends to happen when I should be doing work. But it's so easy to get distracted when I'm in my bedroom. And this way it'll be easier for them to know what my working hours have actually been like.

So I'm looking forward to it. We're cleaning out the shed out behind the church building itself so I'll have a desk, my computer, shelves, etc...and then there's also room for a bit of a lounge for the youth - we'll put in a few old sofas and a coffee table for a more youthy-comfortable feel. I'm excited for this new prospect. It was on a spur of the moment that I mentioned it was hard to do my work in my room and Karl just said "well let's look into getting you an office at the church then"...and he did. And already he's found me a desk. We only just left the church thinking about potentials and maybes about an hour and a half ago.

Anyways, that's about all I guess. I just wanted to go through my day because it's felt like a good one so far. I enjoy good days. Though it hasn't been overly productive as far as work goes...I'm excited to get cracking on this office. My car's in getting a warrant and check up right now too so it'll be here in a few days. Yikes. I'm nervous.

Ok. Time to go....do......something...ha.


At 3/2/06 5:14 pm, Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

if you drive, and this is important, make sure you are on the proper side of the road. This will make people die less often. Also, french toast is nasty, no matter how much syrup you put on it, though the level of nasty that arrives without the syrup is unchartable. And I've got the charts to prove it!


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