Worship/Sunday School Overload?
I'm looking out my window towards the mountains at 3:30 pm...and I can hardly see them for the clouds so low in the sky. A storm's a-brewin' - I can smell rain. I LOVE that smell!
Well the past few days have been pretty low-key. I've made myself a schedule so I can start balancing school and work stuff (at least that's how it has to work until I can finally be done with this correspondence course from Briercrest), but I haven't done too well sticking by it.
But I have been, however, spending a couple of days this week with Karl and his family. I don't know if I mentioned this before but I went over for tea one night at 6 and it was well into 9:30 before I finally left. They're a wonderful family, really.
I went to a worship meeting the other night with the Prezzy church so everyone could get out their ideas for music this coming year - and to work out a roster for who will be leading and playing each week. It was an intense meeting that was really all over the place.
It was difficult to stay on track with one lady constantly asking me about the youth program underneath the discussion about the topic at hand. This was also the same lady who kept insisting on a more "traditional service" and trying to say that when tourists show up, they don't like that it's so liberal and different. Which is actually the opposite sort of feedback that Karl and Lynley have received.
"Well if they didn't like it they very well wouldn't say it now would they?"
Ha. Anyways. It was interesting. It was discovered that I could fill in really anywhere - be it on a kit, a guit, a mic or a computer. As long as it doesn't have keys I'm happy (minus the computer) So for the next 13 weeks let me just tell you what I'm doing...
For 3 Sundays, I am drumming. For two Sundays I'm on guit (ar...but I like saying guit. It's a funny word...hehe...GIT!). Two Sundays I'm singing (one of them I'm LEADING as well as playing guitar). So that's 6 of the 13. And then for 3 weeks in there I'm also leading Sunday School for the 10-14 year old boys. Haha...YAY (as most of you know, 14 year old boys are my FAVOURITE!) ...
(this is what it looks like when I'm trying to type a sarcastic/evil glare)
Haha okay so it's not as bad as I'm letting on. The boys I've met so far in that age group are really quite cute. They even help out with PowerPoint on Sundays! How adorable!
Please pray for the Steffens family. Vanessa (the youngest in the house) has made a choice to move away with her father in Dunedin. Fiona's not taking this too well, and Vanessa isn't being too sensitive about the situation.
Also pray for Katrina, Fiona's oldest daughter, who has been having some troubles with her ex (the kids' dad) living at the house. He refuses to leave but if he doesn't leave, Katrina could owe the government a lot of money for welfare and would then have no way at all to support her kids. It's not a fun situation.
Mostly pray for the stress that's been around in the house lately because of these different sorts of things. I try not to get in the way too much but I feel like I should be doing something, though I don't know what.
Ok. Time for a different entry now. :) I find it's much easier to write two separate entries - and much more enjoyable for you to read! Sorry about some of the novels I've had here in the past, but if you love me you've read through them all!!! teehee
you may write two entries, but i'm only commenting on one of them...wait...I already commented on the other one....so I can't comment on this one...but how am I supposed to tell you that...unless I comment...but I only comment on one...but already commented...you...comment...can't...twice...drive...14 year old boys...ice cream........bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt
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