19 January 2006

Evening Ramblings

I think, after having had a little jaunt around the town looking for information for my New Zealand Ethnography (can never start too early!)...ok enough sucking up to the professor reading this, I'm all kissed out...I have come up with a mission for while I'm here.

Before I left, I told my bud Nicki that I would do my best to get a picture of a blue duck. Well after having learned that they are considered very endangered, I've made it a mission to find one. And to take a picture of it. For Nicki. And who am I kidding, for me too!

I also would like to see a kiwi. As in the bird. As in a live one coz I saw a dead stuffed one today and MAN they're BIG! I had no idea how big these things are, but it's like the size of a CAT! That's MASSIVE! So now I must find one and take a picture of it too.

I learned a lot today about New Zealand and the area I live in. I also took some sweet pictures that I will be adding to my photo album (by the way, have you checked out the "My Journey" pictures and the "People of Te Anau" pictures that you can access from the right hand side of this screen? I suggest taking a look!)

Well that's all for today I guess. My trek around town was really awesome - just wandering around alone and having lunch beside the lake and taking pictures and learning cool things. I'll probably write them down in here at some point but not tonight - I'm knackered.

I should also write a Canadian-Kiwi English Dictionary. I think I'll start working on that soon! After, of course, my Reba date with Nessa. I picked up a ton of lollies today for our next pig out session.

It's a good day. And I'm certain that I'm sunburnt again. Woohoo for the sun!

Just to get you started (and to repeat some of the ones I've already mentioned)
Tea - Dinner
Lollies - Candy/Sweets
Mozzies - Mosquitoes
Knackered - Tired/Bushed
Give Way - Yield
Telly - TV
Supermarket - Grocery Store
Footpath - Sidewalk
Ae - Eh?

Man there are so many more but I can't seem to remember them all. Rather, I'm likely so used to them by now that I can't even think of them, I'll have to keep a pen with me and write them down on my arm as I hear them again. haha...

Ok I'm done for now. Ciao.


At 20/1/06 5:02 pm, Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

Ciao? Boy, the kiwis have a word for everything...


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