09 January 2006

Written January 7th, 8:40 am in Auckland

January 7th, 8:40 am
Weird things:
Escalator's like roads (I wonder if it's standard norm to walk on the opposite side of the sidewalk, too, when you're approaching another pedestrian)
Vending machine - Bluebird chips, Picnic chocolate bar, Moro chocolate bar
Gas prices $138.9!
Individual bottles of Diet Coke: SILVER, not clear!

First thing consumed in NZ - 'Pump' Water
First meal in NZ - Bluebird Salt & Vinegar chips, can of Sprite (funny lid), thinner aluminum

Kiwi Birds: 0
Kangaroos: 0
Koalas: 0
Attracitve Men: 10 (est)
Times Cried: 5 (est)
Times Smiled at by Friendly Kiwis: 7 (est)

It feels like the afternoon right now, but it's only 9 am. The airport is quiet for a change. I'm glad for that. I also wouldn't be surprised if I left my bags sitting here on this bench while I went over for a very tempting looking "Moro", no one would make a huge deal out of it by confiscating my bags. There are a total of maybe 7 people in this gate at the moment and I'm hardly going out of sight.

I'm sitting at one of the benches that faces a window out to the ramp. I've taken a picture of exactly what I'm looking at right now and hopefully I'll post it into this entry so you can see where I'm sitting as I think these things.

I think the reason that it all feels so surreal to me (still) is because I almost feel like I can go back to Canada anytime. The commitment of 11 months is what isn't real to me. I knew very well that I was going to be coming here, but I still am not processing the weight of what sort of time commitment this is going to be.

New count - number of Friendly Kiwi Smiles: 8

Things I'm grateful for:
- window seating (for the most part - had I not had a window to lean on, I'd not have slept)
- Kiwi accents (I'm already finding myself saying a few things weird without realizing it - like floyt rather than flight...I caught myself doing it already)
- super helpful, friendly Auckland airport staff
- toothbrushes
- clean socks (though I don't have any with me...I know I'll be grateful when I can shower and walk around barefoot in the grass)
- peace and quiet in Auckland Airport's Gate 30
- room to move and stretch
- a great set of parents who will let me call collect from anywhere in the world, even if I only need to cry (I'm surprised dad could understand me!)

My flight's boarding in an hour and I have enough time on my battery to watch one episode of Reba or Will & Grace - so I'm going to do that, I think. On the plane this morning I watched Four Brothers. Not bad, but the violence and language was a bit much. They had an onDemand entertainment system so I could choose from like 30 something things to watch. I also started watching Mary Poppins but we had to land right before she took them into the "English Countryside" so I didn't get to watch the whole thing...

Okay that's all I have time for. I miss everyone, but I'm doing okay!

Dang - I pushed the wrong buttons and got a Kit Kat Caramel Chunky. Oh well, a Moro will have to wait!


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