09 March 2006

Do do dodo do...

Not much to talk about these days.

Tomorrow is youth. I'm apparently taking it last minute, which is my speciality. I have wanted to come up with a program plan for the next year or so but it's really difficult for me to get motivated to do it right now.

It's hard to implement a structure in one area when there is no structure in any other aspect of the ministry as of yet.

Next week's focus - getting butts in the seats.

Tonight's focus - Trading Spouses. Ha.

It's been really great just spending time connecting with people in the churches and finding things to do with them. I just got back from a really beautiful evening drive with one of the youth trust board members. He is a fish and game officer so he took me to a few really great river fishing areas to check out if the fishermen had their licenses on them. We picked up hot chocolate on the way. His wife had a bunch of friends over and he didn't feel like being social. And I sat in my room all day and didn't want to be here any longer so I texted to see if he would be up for a hot chocolate.

It was great. I hadn't taken much time to go into the back roads around this area. It's easy to forget that the wonders of nature are almost right in your back yard in this country! I love it!

So Iain decided that we're going to get me a fishing license and he's going to teach me how to fly fish. And Rae's teaching me how to knit. I'm excited for all of this.

Anyways, there's not much to say I guess. Full House is officially an addiction of mine. Ack.

The end. :D


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