27 February 2006

Stolen Idea from Ryan

As you may or may not have noticed, I've come back to my original blog design. Though it was causing a few problems for me before, I've decided to let it have another chance.

So I hope you enjoy it (I know Wanita does).

But the point of this entry is not to boast about my sweet template modificationalizing skills...I am aware that several people do read my blog, but I get very little feedback to find out exactly who.

So for curiosities sake, if you're reading this entry, TELL ME YOU READ THIS by clicking on "comments" at the end of this entry. I say this mostly to the friends and family members back home who probably don't have any clue that they could ever leave a comment on here!

You don't have to leave any elaborately thought-out writings in there, just let me know if you read this. I'll always keep writing, but my curiosity (and partial jealousy due to Ryan's countless comments on his blog) is getting the best of me.

See that little thing that says "Comments" right below this sentence? Click it! Talk to me, people!!!


At 27/2/06 7:51 pm, Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

i never read your BLOG.

At 27/2/06 9:30 pm, Blogger Monson said...

How DARE you steal my idea!! Oh well, at least you gave me credit :D

At 28/2/06 3:42 am, Blogger Lilene said...

Hey Jacquie,

this is Lisa I just found your blog a couple of weeks ago and I was very excited. Now if you know more than one Lisa, you'll just have to guess which one, here's a hint I used to live down the hall from you in REGINA,yep the good 'ol days. Sounds like you're having a good time being a kiwi, I'm not surprised. Take care

At 28/2/06 9:30 am, Blogger Just Jaq said...

Hey! Wow exciting to hear from you, Lisa! I'm glad you enjoy it!

Woohoo unexpected people already, I like where this is going!

At 28/2/06 7:54 pm, Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

i still don't read this BLOG. Never

At 28/2/06 8:20 pm, Blogger something witty said...

i read it. do i get honerable mention?

At 6/3/06 11:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i read your stuff all the time miss niece but sometime you make me feel sad

At 6/3/06 11:01 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous is me aunt marg in case you didn,t know

At 7/3/06 9:14 am, Blogger Just Jaq said...

I was sort of wondering which of my many aunts or uncles was sending me a "neice" message!

Good to know! hehe...thanks Aunt Marg!


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