25 May 2006

More Randomness...

Oh yeah and I've heard about the crap in Caledonia going on these days. Caledonia made our local newspaper the first time that there was a barricade - but I forgot to save the clipping, even though it was small. To hear that it's escalated again...and then gone down...again? Wow, I would hate to be there right now. Except I will be in a few weeks.

My theory is that when I fly into Canada in a couple weeks, I will come over southern Ontario only to find a burning pile of rubble.

Random, again...

Big May Birthday Shout Outs to:
Mathew Southward (4th, 15 yrs)
Robbie Southward (10th, 13 yrs)
Eric Southward (today - 24th, 15 yrs)
Jamie Southward (31st, I think? I won't say how many yrs...hehe...mostly because I really am not completely sure)

May is a big month for my family. So is August. I'm the weirdo in November...but according to the birthday announcements every week at the Prezzy church, I've had quite a few birthdays so far. Whenever they ask who's had a birthday I raise my hand.

Hey...they give away free Crunchie bars...can't blame me for trying!

Ok the end, this time.


At 25/5/06 11:33 am, Blogger Pants since 1986 said...

trying to scam free crunchie bars from a church? that's horrible. I'm so proud of you!

At 26/5/06 11:06 am, Blogger Liz said...

Way to remember the 17th....I hear that's a big day of the year:)
Missing you Jacksters but trust all is well on the frontlines!
Love Liz:)
P.S. Cranbrook is hot.


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