05 October 2005

Fundraising - Phase 2

So the little talk on Sunday didn't go as well as I planned. I mean, everyone was really nice and came up to me, saying it was really great. However, I just had a completely different idea of how it would work out.

I wasn't myself...I was too official I think. Plus, I didn't give Paul the chance to even know that I was giving him a PowerPoint...so the fonts were all wrong and all my cheesy effects had to be clicked through instead of happening automatically. I knew I should've just brought my own laptop to do it on. Bah.

I spaced out a few times coz the PowerPoint distracted me - rather, the problems with it. And it's completely my own fault, really. Paul's such a nice guy - he puts up with so much.

But oh well...I had a couple of people approach me after the service. Not as many as I had hoped, but I know God will work things through. I need to have faith in that. And I do.

Anyways, now it's sort of just time to wait for a bit...and pray. I don't know exactly where to go from here. I'll tell ya first that I'm the most clueless person when it comes to this whole fundraising for missions thing. Bah...

Ok I'm going back to bed. Got up too early after going to bed too late. Goodnight!


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